GET profile/{id}/ProfileWithListingsAndAffiliations

Gets A Profile with its Listings and Any Affiliations

Request Information

URI Parameters

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information

The Profile's ProfileID



Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information

Collection of ListingDto












Collection of AffiliationDto



Collection of RelatedProfileAffProDto


Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  • "Listings": [
      • "ListingID": 1,
      • "ProfileID": 1,
      • "CategoryID": 1,
      • "SubCategoryID": 1,
      • "DisplayName": "sample string 2",
      • "Website": "sample string 3",
      • "Email": "sample string 4",
      • "Descr": "sample string 5",
      • "Expires": true,
      • "Keywords": "sample string 6",
      • "WebListing": true,
      • "PrintListing": true,
      • "PrimaryListing": true,
      • "Active": true,
      • "Directions": "sample string 7",
      • "Address1": "sample string 8",
      • "Address2": "sample string 9",
      • "City": "sample string 10",
      • "State": "sample string 11",
      • "Zip": "sample string 12",
      • "ZipExt": "sample string 13",
      • "SoldBy": 1,
      • "ChangedBy": "sample string 14",
      • "DateCreated": "2024-09-29T11:16:09.3200658Z",
      • "DateChanged": "2024-09-29T11:16:09.3200658Z",
      • "BusinessLogo": "sample string 15",
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      • "DefaultAppearance": true,
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      • "BorderSize": 1,
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      • "Longitude": "sample string 21",
      • "Latitude": "sample string 22",
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      • "Fax": "sample string 29",
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        • "DateChanged": "2024-09-29T11:16:09.3200658Z",
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  • "ProfileId": 1,
  • "ReportName": "sample string 2",
  • "Member": true,
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      • "Descr": "sample string 3",
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      • "ChildAffIds": [
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        • 2
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      • "ChildAffIds": [
        • 1,
        • 2
  • "RelatedProfiles": [
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      • "RelationType": "sample string 4",
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            • 2
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            • 1,
            • 2